Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Books I recommend

Over the last few years I have read a number of books that dealt with different aspects of Taoism and topics that could be said to be related to them.

Two that I come back to again and again are "The Wisdom of Lao Tse", translated and edited by Lin Yutang and "Tao: The Watercourse Way", by Alan Watts.

The first book, although the language is somewhat old-fashioned, is very useful in that it places excerpts from Chuang Tse next to each chapter of the Tao Te Ching. This shows where there are similarities in views between these two texts and how the ideas, briefly expressed in TTC, are expanded in Chuang Tse.

The second book, by Alan Watts, also brings out some of the underlying meanings of the TTC and is expressed with a beautiful fluidity of style that harmonises with the subject and resonates with the reader.

I obtained both these books second-hand via and there is also a worldwide site which gives access to second-hand books worldwide.

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