Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Welcome one and all!

I would like to welcome all visitors with open arms. This is a very new blog site - so please come back at regular intervals to read my musings as I wander along the path.

I have been considering setting up a blog for some time, and now seemed like a good one.

I have been reading and meditating upon the Taoist path from the past 2 to 3 years and I believe that the time has now come to share these thoughts with others.

I welcome any comments - although please keep them clean and constructive!


Anonymous said...

Hi Little Dragon,

Tis I, Carl, from the across the great waters. This is actually the first blog I've ever seen / visited. Though my kids say CenterTao is like my personal blog. All this is such a fascinating trip isn't it.

Wandering Amongst Strangers is a curious title, though reasonable. Such is the inevitable perdicament we all face thanks to civilization!

Little Dragon said...

Hi there Carl

Thanks for visiting my blog. I chose the title from a meditation I read in "365 Tao" by Deng Ming-Dao (No.56) He was discussing how those who travel the path of Tao may sometimes encounter people who would like to use the Tao as a crutch and that trying to talk to people like that is to engage in miscommunication. It is better to remain silent until you meet someone who can profit from the knowledge; acting as a wanderer amongst strangers.

Casey Kochmer said...

welcome :)

I just meandered by your site as I myself also get familiar with this corner of the net.

one thing about the net, far more than four corners to investigate thats for sure.

